Rogiera amoena
Scientific name: Rogiera amoena Planch.
Family: Rubiaceae
Common name: Rogiera Species, Rondeletia
This species is also known as rondeletia, but we must be careful because it can lead to confusion, since Rondeletia is another genus of plants of the same family and with very similar flowers. The one we are dealing with is a somewhat rare species, because of its scarcity. In La Concepción there is an old specimen, which usually goes unnoticed because of its discreet location; it is next to a small iron staircase, next to the one that connects the Casa Palacio with the Tritón. It is a large shrub, up to 7 m in its area of origin. It grows naturally in Central America, between
The stems of rogiera are grayish brown, and the whole plant is covered with hairs, it is tomentose. The leaves are ovate to elliptic, with acute apex, entire margins, and up to 15 cm long. It has very small flowers, a few mm and a delicate pink color with yellow throat. They are grouped in a really beautiful inflorescence; it is about 20 cm long and has a rounded pyramidal shape.
The etymology of the generic name is not clear; the name of the species, amoena, refers to something that is pleasant. This is a winter flowering species, evergreen, hardy, and whose main use is ornamental, for hedges, gardens, and even coastal areas; in our area it is rarely used. In its place of origin its wood has been used for tool handles. It can grow in sun or semi-shade, and in different types of soil, with a preference for rich, well-drained soils. The clusters of fragrant flowers are attractive to butterflies and birds.