A natural oasis in the city. The best-preserved subtropical landscape garden in Europe.

An Asset of Cultural Interest created in 1855, with more than fifty thousand plants, three thousand tropical, subtropical, autochthonous, endemic and agricultural species, varieties and cultivars.


Plant of the month

March - Bombax ceiba

Botanic collections

Since La Concepción has been owned by the Malaga City Council, the number of species has increased considerably.

Latest interventions

Restoration of the Loringiano Museum and enhancement of the old library of the Garden.

Get to know the Historical Botanical Garden

The hacienda of La Concepción has its origin in the union of several farms located on the banks of the Guadalmedina River, north of the city of Malaga. With an agricultural vocation, they included cereal crops, olive trees, almond trees, vines and, above all, citrus fruits. Its creators were the Marquises of Casa Loring, Jorge Loring Oyarzábal and Amalia Heredia Livermore, both children of well-known businessmen who came to the city in search of fortune.

Its creators were the Marquises of Casa Loring, Jorge Loring Oyarzábal and Amalia Heredia Livermore, both children of well-known businessmen who came to the city in search of fortune.

+2,400 species from 5 continents
+129,500 visitors per year
Absorbs 2,670 Tm approx. CO2 per year
An area of great faunistic richness

The Garden in pictures

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Malaga Declaration against Climate Change

Climate change is a problem that affects all of humankind and knows no borders. From 9 to 11 April 2019, the La Concepción Historical Botanical Garden in Malaga hosted the Technical Seminars of the Ibero-Macaronesian Association of Botanical Gardens (AIMJB), which brings together botanical gardens in Spain and Portugal, attended by around fifty people. During the seminars, it was agreed to join the Climate Change Alliance created in 2018 in Melbourne (Australia) through the so-called "Malaga Declaration", which can be viewed in the attached document, in addition to the papers presented at the event.

Of interest